Auto-Regulation & Fatigue Management

Auto-Regulation & Fatigue Management

This post originally appeared on Insider Training… When brainstorming a topic to write on I continuously asked myself, “What defines the role of a Strength & Power coach with elite track and field athletes?” I tossed around relevant buzzwords such as...
Athlete Classification

Athlete Classification

Our method of classifying athletes is rooted in individual movement solutions. To begin, we will determine whether an athlete is anterior chain (push) or posterior chain (pull) dominant. In addition to this, we also determine whether an athlete is single or double-leg...
A Stolen Path

A Stolen Path

Coaches typically come from one of two paths. They were either an athlete themselves at one point in time or never quite possessed the athletic abilities needed to compete at a high level but always had the passion. I most certainly fall into the latter category. So...